Romsey Arts Festival 2013 Short Film Programme

15 certificate

Saturday 3rd August 2013: Screening 2:00pm

Tick Tock Countdown

Tick Tock Countdown

Filmmakers: Adam Marsh, Mo Girling

A countdown of one minute in sixty one second frames.

The majority of the frames have an indexical link to time itself.

The rest of the frames are linked to the relevent second number within the countdown.

The non indexical linked frames provide the viewer with an oppertunity to question their inclusion.

(1:10, Experimental, UK, 2012)

Lost Property

Lost Property

Filmmakers: Adam Razvi, Giordano Canova

A tiny film about a lost mobile phone and a hopeless romantic.

(2:04, Mokumentory, CH, 2012)

Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle

Filmmaker: Babak Habibifar

Life is not only seeing.

(3:25, Drama, IR, 2012)

O Šunce (Ham Story)

O Šunce (Ham Story)

Filmmaker: Eliska Chytková

None of us is without imagination. None of us stamps on it and holds it chained, no matter how hard we try.

My story is about that very imagination. About the imagination which has been chained for so long, and set free with so much strength. About playing God in a childlike and pure game.

(5:37, Animation, CZ, 2013)



A woman receives a camera for a present and, of course, takes a picture of herself. But what is that in the image? A fault with the camera?

(7:00, Horror, ES, 2011)

Two Birds, One Pint

Two Birds, One Pint

Filmmakers: O’Shea & O’Gaukroger

Some act coy, some act aloof, these two act like spring has sprung…

(2:07, Comedy, UK, 2012)

Where’s Mary

Where's Mary

Filmmaker: Tony Hickson

Mary lived in the woods with the wolves and the bears.

She may live near you now?

(5:30, Horror/Puppet, UK, 2009)



An uneasy situation, difficult decision, maternal (self)sacrifice set in real, raw but metaphorical environment.

(4:59, Drama, CZ, 2009)

Decapoda Shock

Decapoda Shock

An astronaut returns to Earth after a fatal accident on a distant planet.

When he discovers he has been the victim of a sinister plot, he decides to take vengeance on those responsible for the death of his family.

(9:00, Science Fiction, ES, 2011)

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