Saturday 6th June 2009: Screening 17:30
Project One

Filmmaker: Yohan Forbes, Tristan Tutak
The architecture is defined, not by its own physicality, but by the skateboarders engagement with it, thus skateboarding is part of architecture but very different to architecture of object and more. Project One is a cinematic journey through London’s city scape and architecture.
(6:41, Art/Skateboard, UK, 2008)
The Appointment

Filmmaker: Aaron Greenwood, Carl Homer
Fischer, a paranoid writer, is woken in the middle of the night by three inspectors from the state sanatorium. They issue him with a summons to see the state Physician. He is terrified, and seeks reasurance from his friends. Fischer tries to keep his appointment, but is turned away. He is threatened by the inspectors again and ends up in the state sanatorium…
(18:01, Lovecraftian Horror, UK, 2007)