Saturday 6th June 2009: Screening 15:00
Riverside(Kid Harpoon)

A cold looking guitar player, plays the guitar with wet feet and no shirt on.
Made as part of Long Road Media course work.
(3:01, Music Video, UK, 2008 ‐ 2009)
Press The Red Button

Filmmaker: Rachael Field
Together will we save the world OR consign it to a black hole dustbin and make a new one?
The fate of planet Earth rests in the hands of four plucky contestants on stage. Using 100% recyclable materials they make the show before our very eyes – buildings, casts of millions, contemporary world events all created with old newspaper and toilet rolls.
(12:14, Game Show, UK, 2007)
Frog’s Legs

Filmmaker: Ralph Stewart, Martin Solomon
An English goes to a French restaurant and finds out that not all French people love the legs of frogs.
(2:05, Comedy, UK, 2009)
A Hero’s Journey

Filmmaker: Jack Herbert, Barrington Paul Robinson
Sam is on a quest in a world where enemies are everywhere. His fantasy mission collides with harsh reality when his mother finds herself in danger.
(6:10, Drama, UK, 2008)
Marteria – Zum König Geboren

Filmmaker: Daniel Franke, Martin W.Maier, Christoph Berndt
German Hip Hop that just wont stop.
(4:03, Music Video, DE, 2008 ‐ 2009)
Who Wants Roberto Santini’s Guts

Filmmaker: Jean-Julien Collette, Olivier Tollet, Anthony Rey
Flight 623 from Berlin is 15 minutes late. Enough time for a young businessman, on the plane, to throw a part of his life into question. At the airport, Joseph Conrad, a tramp with a troubled past, seems obsessed by this mysterious flight. These two men, worlds apart, have nevertheless one thing in common: the final drop that makes the vase overflow.
(14:38, Drama, BE, 2003)
Throw Me To The Rats

Filmmaker: Alasdair Brotherston
In a Victorian theatre of grotesque, buxom kebab-guzzling ladies peer through opera glasses at the bizarre spectacle unfolding on stage. A chorous line of can can dancers behind a choreographed group of horse heads twirling cocktail umbrellas. Above them a tight rope walker teeters precariously as the audience awaits the main act – an incontinent cat.
(4:34, Music Video, UK, 2008)

Filmmaker: Szilivia Papp, Daniel Herner
This short film, titeld LE(F)T , would like to make us think about partnerships, or about ourselves. What would you do in a disaffected relationship? How do you act in a problematic situation? You attack? Or you freezed? You brave or shy? Are you able to admit at all?
(7:03, Drama, HU, 2008)